Thursday, August 25, 2011

Bringing It Back: #CupcakeChat


Hey twitter-friendly readers!  I (Nichelle) will be bringing back our twitter chat, #cupcakechat.  I'm thinking that  fall is a great time for baking and it would be great to some advice from experts and novices alike.What's a twitter chat? If you’re not familiar, a Twitter chat is a guided conversation where users interested in a particular topic hop on Twitter to chat. Our chat's hashtag is #cupcakechat, which makes it easy for anyone looking in to identify the chat and participate. You may check out Tweetchat to see what people are already saying about #cupcakechat.

If you are a baker who would love to share their expertise, then contact Nichelle at cupcakestakethecakeATgmailDOTcom and mention twitter.

We will have monthly chats starting with Sunday September 25th at 2PM Eastern time. Let us know in the comments what you want to chat about: cake pops? opening a cupcake business?  gluten-free cupcakes?

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