Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Peach cobbler and lemon meringue filled cupcakes at Molly's Cupcakes = yum yum yum!

I visited the new New York version of Molly's Cupcakes (see Nichelle's post about their opening, which is one of the most spacious cupcake bakeries in New York City and has what looks like the same flavors and much of the same design (sprinkle bar, swings) as the Chicago branch. Full writeup coming soon, but I loved the peach cobbler cupcake best (on top) and also the lemon meringue! $3.75 a cupcake is high for New York, and definitely adds up, plus these are sweet and big generally, so I recommend sharing with a friend or two!

peach cobbler cupcake, with an extra closeup of all the peach cobbler goodness - this had the best elements of everything, with fresh peach on top and it was chilled and the crumbly part was my favorite!

lemon meringue cupcake, outside and inside

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