Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Talking About Cupcakes And Blogging At Berkeley College

cupcakes at Berkeley College

Tammy, who is a member of our Cupcake Meetup Group, invited me to speak at the Brooklyn campus of Berkeley College to talk about blogging. Yesterday, I asked fellow bloggers for blogging advice to give to newbie bloggers.

Tammy and Me at Berkeley College

From Betsy Eves
#1 Rule.... write about what you know. Don't pretend about anything... your readers will see right through you. #2 - Be yourself... write how you would talk, don't try to sound better than you do. My english teacher from HS started reading my blog and the biggest compliment I ever got was from her... when she complimented my writing. I never considered myself a writer until then.

From Life in Cocktails
Decide on goals and audience before you start. If it's for yourself, that's great, but it saves a lot of time to plan ahead.

Feisty Foodie
do it for yourself, not for the fame or the money.

Siobhan Wallace
"Yes, write like you're talking to a friend. Also, it's a hobby that's not nearly as lucrative as everyone believes. If you want to get rich, you're better off playing the Lotto."

Martha Thomases
"While it's true you should write the way you talk, you should also aspire to use better grammar than most conversation. I know I split infinitives and end sentences with prepositions all the time when I talk, but when I write, I try not to (D'oh!)."

Amber Blatt
Take Good Photos.

Allison Robicelli
Be Yourself

cupcakes at Berkeley College

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